YA Books About Social Anxiety: An Essential List

YA Books About Social Anxiety: An Essential List

Young Adult (YA/Teen) books about social anxiety is a genre that can be helpful to understand social anxiety. The best YA social anxiety books are all on our ultimate list. This list of new and best teen social anxiety books can help with making sense of this issue.  If you are looking for an enlightening novel to read that deals with the struggles of social anxiety, there is bound to be one here for you to enjoy. Reading books can be a useful strategy to understand many mental health issues . We recommend all of these books. Continue reading

Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine, Gail Honeyman

Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine, Gail Honeyman

Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine by Gail Honeyman is one of those books that will change the way you look at mental illness. Honeyman has created a realistic character in Eleanor, and although her circumstances might not match up with those of her readers, they will absolutely relate to her eccentric personality and determination. This novel is beautifully written and will evoke every single emotion that you can think of. Continue reading

Review: Under Rose-Tainted Skies by Louise Gornall

Review: Under Rose-Tainted Skies by Louise Gornall

Under Rose-Tainted Skies by Louise Gornall is an inspiring and believable story about life with a mental illness. The accuracy of the facts is evident and the main character has a great sense of humour. I especially enjoyed how the book doesn’t romanticize mental illness and Luke’s respectful personality. I would definitely recommend this book! Continue reading